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Find the Right Rap Beats!

The writing process for music can go one of two ways:

1) You get inspired and put pen to paper then look for the right rap beats.

2) You find a beat and let it draw the lyrics out of you.

Either way, the music needs to meet your words.  You may not always find the right rap beats you need, and many artists end up using whatever is available to them.  However, there is nothing worse than a sick verse/hook over a substandard track.  Fortunately, sites like RariVeliBeats has high-quality rap beat.

After you have your music laid out, mixed and mastered, the goal is to get it into the hands of consumers. Music is an art, but it is also a business.  So to really grow as an artist you need to have a business mindset. So if you are ready to get serious about your craft, you have come to the right place.

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